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Grove U14s pre-season training; new players welcome!

Grove U14s pre-season training; new players welcome!

Toby Christensen7 Aug 2011 - 21:35

Pre-season training starts Sunday 7th August, then twice weekly. Sundays 10.30-12am; Thursdays 7pm-8pm].

First communication of the 2011-12 season for the new Grove RFC U14s!

The coaches will be running twice-weekly pre-season training sessions from now until the new season starts (4th September), on Sundays (10.30am-12) and Thursdays (7pm-8pm[i/]). These will focus on fitness, skills, and fun. The first session is Sunday 7th August.

Other team developments: the coaches met recently to start planning for the new season. Highlights included:

*** Steve Maryon, a recent First XV captain, will be joining the coaches to expand skills and experience that can be brought to the team. We anticipate other first team players and new club coach Craig Burrows also helping us. This should help build on the real progress we achieved last season.

*** The coaches will be developing individual training plans for players next season, as part of their efforts to take the team to the next level.

*** Once the season starts on 4th September, mid-week training/fitness sessions will continue locally on Thursdays @ 7pm. These will be held at the club in the floodlit area, or indoors if weather is severe.

*** We need more players. We had a great turnout last year, but could do with even more players. Please help spread the word and let the coaches know of all promising candidates (skills and/or enthusiasm). The team and Club will be working to spread the word in schools next terms, but no-one does this better than players and their families.

*** We plan to hold a first social on Sunday 18th September, after a tri-fixture with tourists Daventry and Chipping Norton. We anticipate a barbecue and small contribution, similar to the end of season. Please could you put this in your calendar and do your best to be there. Helpful to have an early heads-up on likely attendance (or not).

*** For the new season, the team will have a captain and a vice-captain. In making these new key appointments, the coaches will be assessing multiple leadership qualities, with players' keenness for the role amongst them.

*** We want to organise a tour at the end of this season, and are looking at April 2012, possibly the Easter weekend (8th April). Ideas and confirmation of interest very welcome.

*** Clubhouse refurbishment -- help needed... The Club is calling loudly for volunteers to help with the major and underway refurbishment of the clubhouse, including new boilers, major repairs and redecoration. A huge amount of work has been done already by a valiant few, but still more to do. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated -- contact Phil Connolly or Mark Tugwell to get involved. You can see work in progress at

Further reading